Print, Scan, & Copy Services
Current UTD Students, Faculty, and Staff
You must have CometCash on your valid Comet Card in order to print or copy. Copies of Interlibrary Loan materials may be paid for with cash.
A valid Comet Card is needed to print or copy. Printing is not available from the Community Users workstations. Library visitors must bring their own thumb/flash/USB drive to save data from their searches.
Black & White
6 ¢
per side
25 ¢
per side
Loading Your Comet Card
Credit Card
Use the GET app: $5.00 plus a $.50 transaction fee.
Go to the Comet Card Office (SSA 12.324) or Bursar’s Office (SSB 2.300): $10 minimum.

Use the Add Value machine (near the library printers): Only accepts $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills.
Go to the Comet Card Office (SSA 12.324) or Bursar’s Office (SSB 2.300): Accepts all dollar bills and coins.
How To Print
Print jobs remain on the printer for only 2 hours from the time they are sent. After that time, they will be deleted and cannot be recovered. Please watch your time when sending print jobs, and be sure to save your work frequently.
From Library Computers
If printing an Adobe PDF document, click the printer icon .
From Your Device (
First time users: Follow the instructions on the email you receive after the initial email you send.
Available Equipment
KIK Scanner
A KIK scanner is available to scan textbooks more quickly by laying the book flat and flipping the pages.
Combination Printer/Copier/Scanners
There are four black & white, and two color printers available to print, copy, and scan materials.
Digital Microform Scanners
Two digital microform scanners are available to print, scan, or save microform materials to a flash drive. An instruction manual is available at the scanner workstation.
One shredder is available for you to dispose of confidential or sensitive information.
Page Last Updated: September 8, 2021